Our company goes beyond simple service offerings. We provide complex solutions to our clients and are your partner in business. We help you achieve your company’s foreign trade ambitions, or if you’re already trading abroad, we show you how to do so more efficiently, flexibly and profitably. We help you understand how various rules and legislation around customs, foreign trade, and import VAT (Value Added Tax) work in practice. Most of our team have more than 20 years of experience, and work precisely, accurately, and professionally on behalf of our clients.
We use simplified, electronic customs clearance methodologies to present goods to customs and submit customs declarations, both in the name of and on behalf of our clients. We can do this anywhere, any time, to any customs office in Hungary (or, under certain conditions, across the wider geographic area of the European Union).
We provide bespoke suggestions and advice on effective solutions, simplifying your processes, and how to take advantage of new opportunities while staying compliant with the law. You can run your company with confidence, without worrying about the outcome of a potential government audit.